A magical forest experience

I walked into the woods and took small paths I wouldn’t likely meet other people and found myself in the midst of trees and birds songs. For a moment I stood there and looked up at the beautiful colors the sun created while falling through the fresh green leaves. They seemed to sparkle and glow and I couldn’t take my eyes off them. In that moment I thought that this was the most beautiful day. By chance I looked over and saw a woodpecker landing on one of the trees making that funny sound. I always feel so lucky when I get to see one of those and found myself thanking who or whatever decided to gift me that joy today. I couldn’t help but smile. As I walked on for a bit I just did some breathwork, listening to the birds and taking in all of the scents the forest had to offer. On my way back I suddenly remembered that one time a few years ago a deer and its family crossed my path on a walk. Just as I asked myself if that would ever happen again (probably not), a single deer crossed my path again. I stoped in my tracks and put my hands over my mouth as I stopped breathing for a second. The deer crossed the path slowly and carefully and looked at me for a brief second. This must be what true magic feels like. The deer appeared the moment I was thinking of it. Unbelievable. When it disappeared behind some trees I went on slowly and carefully, because usually deers don’t come alone, but I did not see any more. I went back home mesmerized by what todays walk gifted me and couldn’t wait to share my experience.
— Lilly Lockwood

A lesson I learned today:

Nature will connect to your heart and mind if you let it.

This picture was taken by me on a beautiful hike in the national park of Slovenia in April.


taking a step backwards to heal . . .