
I’m Lilly Lockwood.

There is one way to start and it is to begin now.

One night I sat at the dinner table with my boyfriend and his aunt. It was one of those nights sharing deep thoughts about faith, the meaning of life and the problems of the earth. We had wine and as minutes turned into hours I started getting more passionate with every word that came out of my mouth, talking about consumerism, environmental issues, psychology, human nature and overall change.

After finishing a point, his aunt proceeded to look at me in silence. She took another sip of her red wine and asked me a simple question:

“If you are so passionate about it, why don’t you get started?

Start now. Not tomorrow, not next week, but now.”

She was right of course and those words were nothing new to me. I have heard them before from my family, my boyfriend and myself even. But sometimes you can hear a thing 1000 times and know deep down it is right for you but do nothing about it. You make excuses for yourself, waste time and procrastinate.

But all of a sudden on the 1001st time it hits you like lightning and you decide to start.

This is me starting.

Start with me?