10 selfcare habits to apply everyday

… for a more productive, joyful and healthy lifestyle.


“True self-care is not

bath salts and chocolate

cake, it’s making the

choice to build a life

you don’t need to

escape from.”

— Brianna Wiest

  1. drink water

    You’re probably tired of hearing that by now, but it simply is one of if not the most important thing you can do for your body. Staying hydrated is good for staying focused, for clearing your skin, for your health and of course for staying alive.

    Water is not some kind of magical potion that is promised to make you skinny overnight and is supposed to solve all your problems, that doesn’t life up to the hype. Water is magical though indeed and what a lot of us forget: it is a luxury to have water to drink, to have clean tap water. It can do wonders for you if you let it, if you truly appreciate and cherish every drop and few drinking water as a self care act instead of an annoying thing you have to get done.

    Sodas are truly not the way to go if you want to life a healthy life. The obnoxious amount of sugar is making you gain unhealthy weight and is a high risk of diabetes.

    Water is not that boring really, you can put lemon in it, make tea, enjoy it with ice and cucumbers or fruit... the options are endless, healthy and delicious.

    2. stretch

    Of course workouts are great, but sometimes you don‘t have the time or the energy to do a full workout or go to the gym. So just easy stretches or even yoga can help clear your mind and get you a better start for the day. You wake up your body and connect it to your mind in the morning. In the evening it might help with stress relief and to center yourself again.

    3. read books

    Books are a great way to escape in a different world and take your mind of your everyday life. Not only does it foster your fantasy and creativity, but it also helps you to challenge your mind. In fiction or crime, you can solve cases and practice empathy. 

    With other books you could learn new things about history, biology, economy, even yourself or other topics of your interest. 

    It is your time to dive into another world without being a slave to your screen.

    4. take care of your skin and hair

    Taking care of your appearance is a good way to practice self love. By taking care of your body’s hygiene you are saying thanks for everything it is doing for you, day to day. You are cleaning, moisturising, brushing, stroking and looking at yourself. 

    Look at you.

    You are beautiful.

    5. meditate

    It is just as important to take care of the outside of your body as it is to take care of the inside as well. I know a lot of you are a little sceptical of meditation. Sitting in a silent room for hours when there is so much else so get done, to be productive? - no way. 

    And I get it. It is difficult to be alone with your thoughts. Nowadays we are used to constant stimulation through tv, radio, music streaming, ect. and you get bored easily all by yourself. But remember the point of flushing all the toxins out of your body by drinking water? It‘s the same thing with your mind. You get addicted to the stimulation, you brain is only getting a break of that when you are sleeping and even then it spends all its time to process everything from the day. Give meditation a try and your mind a rest. Center your thoughts, connect body and mind and think about absolutely nothing or only one mantra for a few minutes a day. Practice gratitude and start to not only tell your family and partners you love them, but also yourself.

    Declutter your mind and take care of your precious soul.

    6. Light a candle or turn on an oil-defuser

    Aromatherapy and relaxing light like a flickering flame of a candle creates a warm and stress-relieving environment. There are even some wooden wick candles that make soft cracking noises, like a tiny fireplace. Scented candles that smell like freshly washed cotton sheets, I like especially. They simply release a such a lovely cozy-clean aroma...

    7. Take a walk or at least 8.000 steps a day

    It’s important to keep your body moving during the day, especially nowadays I find it easy to sit and work at a desk all day long, staring at a screen or sheets of paper. Not only will it become harder to focus without fresh oxygen, it is also very unhealthy for your veins, muscles and bonestructure. Veins need to be moved and compressed through muscle movement of your legs to efficiently pump the through your body. If you let your legs hang from your chair all day long this might be a risk for blood clots (keep in mind: women taking birthcontrol, are most likely at higher risk for blood clots anyway. If you are concerned, please talk to you doctor or OBGYN).

    So no matter if you take a short walk in between your studies/ working breaks for a nice breather of oxygen outside, or to get you blood circulation going, it will help you concentrate and keep you healthier for longer. 

    Experts recommend about 8.000 steps per day, which you can track with your mobile phone or a health watch. 

    Please keep in mind, that every body is different. 8.000 steps are the average here, less or more might be appropriate for your body type and that’s perfectly fine.

    8. Have a silenT day

    Noice is everywhere nowadays. There seems to be no escape from it: cars, trains, tv, radio, calls, music, videos, ect. Of course some noises are pleasant like our favourite music or the voice of a loved one. But to be absolutely honest with you, I find myself getting pretty bored with myself if there is no noise around me. While cooking I like to listen to music, while cleaning there is a show running somewhere in the background. Even while studying and falling asleep I feel more comfortable with some kind of audio playing. Especially in these isolated times, it makes us feel less lonely.

    Sound can be something wonderful, but it can also be cluttering. 

    I like to take silent days, as far as possible. That does not mean I‘ll ignore everyone around me for 24h (of course you can do that if you feel comfortable) but it means to simply enjoy the beauty of silence for once. When taking a walk through the woods, I am not putting in my headphones, but taking in the whisper of the trees around me. While cooking I won’t listen to Queen, but listen to the knife going through the vegetables, the water boiling and the garlic crushing. 

    It’s the simple things that give you a little mindfulness and gratitude about life.

    9. Make someone a compliment

    Humans tend to focus on themselves, their appearance and own accomplishments for most of the time. Selfcare is not only about yourself, but about the people who surround you. Make it your mission to gift Someone a smile today. Be kind to others, always. You never know what is going on in someone’s life. Sometimes with just a few words you cam make someone’s day.

    10. Get a new Hobby

    The feeling of having tried something you have never tried before is so fulfilling. Get creative, get active or broaden your horizon with new knowledge on a topic. Keeping brain as well as body sharp and not limiting yourself is key to an open mind. Maybe a friend will do it with you?

    Set goals to work towards and you will never be bored.


Self care are the little things we do every day to nourish our souls.

Once you start opening yourself up to the possibility to take care of yourself instead of seeking validation from others, you’ll be able to truly find peace.

I love taking care of myself. Sometimes life is so stressful and goes by so fast, it is nice to slow down time for just a few hours 0r minutes. I hope you can implement a few of those tips into your life. You do not need to try everything at once, it’s just a little list of inspiration :)

I hoped you liked this post, until next time…

— love Lilly