Guide to minimalism - 01 What is minimalism about?

Minimalism in a few words is living to the fullest, with the littlest things. But there are no specific rules to it. Minimalism is simply about what brings you happiness - or to say it in Marie Kondo‘s words: about the things that spark joy to you.


Minimalism is not about the things you don’t have. It’s about the things you do have.

1. Myths - What minimalism is not

To learn what minimalism is -first- I want you to unlearn what you think minimalism is. When thinking of the word „minimalism“, what do you see? A close to empty closet? White walls? Empty space? Nothing? Neutral colours? Matt D‘Avella? 

No matter what it is you see, change the picture in your head to what you want minimalism to be because that is what it is. It is not about owning close to nothing because the internet tells you that this is the only way to be a minimalist. 

It is about owning what is essential to you, personally. So if you love your collection of plants, stamps, books or whatever it might be... that is more than okay! Keep it.

Minimalism is about keeping the things you love and you use and getting rid of everything that simply clutters your space and you don’t really need. You know the pair of jeans you keep in the back of your closet that doesn’t really fit anymore but you keep it „just in case“? -donate it.

The dusty candle on your dresser you hate the smell of and will probably never use again but you don’t want to throw it away because maybe you‘ll change your mind? -get rid of it or gift it to someone who likes it better.

Your collection of make up products or books that take up a lot of space but you simply love to use/ read? -freaking keep it!

2. Quality over quantity - owning less

The goal with minimalism especially with clothes is owning quality over quantity. A few pieces that you love to wear every single day and will last you for years and years. Think of it as wearing your favourite clothing item every day instead of something you like just okay. Why not exclusively own things you feel super confident in? Why should you own a shirt that doesn’t make you feel like an absolute boss? Why settle for mediocre? So go through your closet and ask yourself: „Would I buy this again? Does this make me feel awesome?“ if not - donate or sell it.

Also keep that concept in mind when buying new things... I‘d recommend avoiding fast fashion but instead staying true to your own style. Buy items that you will want to keep wearing in 5 years not stuff that is only in fashion for this season. If you don’t love it - don’t buy it. Don’t let trends tell you what you need. You are perfectly capable of deciding that yourself.

An issue that is very close to my heart when talking about clothing is also the matter of where your clothes come from, what they are made of and how they were made. If you can, please shop sustainably. There are so many ways to do it nowadays - many times even cheaper. Consider second hand, sustainable clothing stores, or even fixing your clothes before throwing them away and replacing them in the first place. (Be aware of green washing) But I‘ll write a separate blogpost regarding sustainable clothing options soon if you are interested ;)

3. It‘s not all about stuff, but people as well 

Everyone is talking about getting rid of objects that don’t make you happy anymore, that don‘t fit your lifestyle and only clutter your space and mind. But what about the people who surround you? Of course I am not saying to get rid of people but take a closer look around you. Who are the people you love to hang out with? Who are the ones that annoy you and why is that? Who might be using you and is more draining your energy than charging it? Sometimes it is hard to identify toxic relationships - no matter if with friends, family or boy-/girlfriends - and acting on it once you realise what kind of situation you are in might me even harder.

But don’t worry... minimalism is not just about throwing things away - it is about fixing things as well. So if you feel like a relationship doesn’t benefit you anymore try to talk to that person and work it out. Be respectful, kind and understanding but also know your boundaries. If you can hug it out, that’s great but if you can’t be grateful for the experience and let it go peacefully. Not everyone deserves to be in your life... Choose the people around you wisely. If they don’t care about you, don‘t waste your energy on them - you have more important things to do, like smiling in the sun.

4. What you can‘t own as a minimalist

Let’s make this short and sweet - there is nothing in specific you can’t own. 

I said it before and I‘ll gladly repeat myself: keep what brings you joy and get rid of everything else. It’s about owing what is essential to you.

5. The difference between need and want

It is easy to say „oh, I need this scarf. It’s lavender and I don’t have lavender yet. So I need it.“

Look at the 32 other scarves in your closet ant tell me again. Do you need it or do you want it?

Like I said... there is nothing wrong with wanting something and treating yourself every once in a while. But don’t lie to yourself. Who benefits from you tricking yourself into thinking you need it if in reality you don’t. 

If you can’t be honest to yourself, it can’t be right, can it?

Toxic relationships don’t only come from the outside, you can have toxic behaviour towards yourself (and others) as well. So take a few steps back, look at a thing or a situation from a different angle and reconsider.

„Do I want this or do I actually need this?“ - if you don’t need it, be grateful for what you own and let it go.

„Am I being true to myself and others?“ -if not, forgive yourself and make it right.


You are not the things you own.

6. The benefits of minimalism

There are so many incredible benefits from minimalism only waiting for you to explore them! 

With less clutter you‘ll spend less time tidying up and procrastinating and more time with being productive.

Buying less fast fashion and unnecessary items will not only safe you so much money but also give you more gratitude and appreciation for the things you already own.

Moving and travelling will be so much easier with less stuff (small successes also count :D)

You‘ll life a more sustainable lifestyle and reduce your CO2-footprint and with being mindful of the things you own and purchase, you’ll automatically consider improving other parts of your life, like the kind of food you eat and what you value most in life as well... one step at a time minimalism can be your staring point into the life you always wanted.

7. How minimalism can make you more successful 

Spending less time thinking about consuming and freeing your mind from toxic people and habits gives you more time to fulfill your dreams. Having a minimalist lifestyle will stop you from chasing after the next best thing you can buy and makes you focus on the things that matter most to you. 

You are you, no matter if completely naked or in a Chanel coat. So why should just you not be enough (and 500€ richer)? 

Work on yourself and improve your skills instead of your wardrobe and the stuff you own. Of course you should always feel comfortable with yourself and the things you wear, but keep in mind: 

You are not the things you own.

8. Why minimalism could stop global warming

A minimalist lifestyle often goes hand in hand with a more sustainable lifestyle like eating more quality food, refusing fast fashion, practicing meal prep and overall stop overconsumption.

Global warming is by a big part caused by overconsumption of meat, fast fashion, technology, ect.

By owning a good quality shirt that is locally/ sustainably made for 6 years instead of five cheap shirts for one or two years you already change so much! Not only are you not supporting poor working conditions in developing countries, also are producing less waste and reducing your CO2-footprint.

By eating less cheap meat and an adequate amount of quality food you refuse to support mass production of meat, animal cruelty, waste from the meat industry and signalise the economy that you want more „green alternatives“.

I‘m not saying you can solve our problems overnight and all by yourself, but change starts with every single person.

Change starts with you.

9. Why minimalism is for you

Minimalism is for you because it is not about missing out on stuff or reducing things that bring you joy. It is about creating more space for the things that truly make you happy.

Minimalism can be what you want it to be, as long as you keep it to the essentials and you stay true to yourself.

Your mind, body and life can benefit from simple and little changes in your everyday lifestyle and help you create the life you always dreamed of. So what are you waiting for? The fist step into your ideal version of yourself is free(ing).

10. Where to start

It’s easiest to start with your room. Stand in the middle of it, turn around slowly and take a look at everything that surrounds you. What makes you happy? What do you need? What sparks joy to you? Would you purchase it again?

Move further into your closet, your cabinets, ect.

If you feel ready, think about your relationships and eating habits. Don’t do everything at once, or else your new habits might not stick. It is okay to not be sure about something, take your time.

Don’t feel pressured into doing anything. Minimalism might be the best thing that ever happened to you, it might also be not the right path for you at all. Everyone is different and that is beautiful.

But remember: as with most things, minimalism is not all in or all out. Sometimes it is enough to take a few elements of different lifestyles and create your own. 

I planned to do a minimalism series, talking about different elements of it more in depth. I hope you enjoyed this little introduction into minimalism and found it inspiring. Are there any specific questions or topic requests? You can always dm me on Instagram @lilly_lockwood or contact me here.

Talk to you next time - Love Lilly