Your guide to

a healthy and Mindful
way of life



Sustainability - a word you have probably heard before, but what does it actually mean?

How can one actually live a sustainable lifestyle in the year 2021, full of fast fashion, fast food, one-use items and seemingly no realistic and affordable alternatives?


Minimalism - is it really owning one pair of jeans and maybe three of the same plain t-shirts?

Minimalism is a great way to declutter your space and mind. The oftentimes misinterpreted and definitely underrated lifestyle will improve your happiness, finances and productivity with little to no effort.


Todays understanding of what is healthy and what isn’t is oftentimes outdated, blown out of proportion or simply inconsistent.

In a world with seemingly infinite amounts of content and everyone claiming to know it best, it is difficult to stay on track of what is actually true and what just clever marketing. As a registered nurse and having worked with dieting-coaches and doctors I made it my mission to give a better understanding of a healthy lifestyle and shine a little light in the dark that is the web and endless magazine articles.



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It all begins with a simple brush stroke, a letter, a melody, an idea. No matter how small your spark of inspiration might be, use it to light a fire inside of you to create something UNIQUE.



Your journey to success starts right here.

Trust me with this, you can’t fail if you don’t start, but you also can’t ever succeed.